Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
We love when new people join us for Sunday worship. Each of our worship services includes an opportunity for a financial offering. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please feel no obligation to put anything in the offering plate.
Financial stewardship is a spiritual discipline that Christians are called to. It proceeds from our sense of gratitude for all that God has done and is doing for us and for all people. Every one of us needs ways to say thanks to the God who is the source of all that we are and all that we have. Money and its use are part of this process. Consider this is from an Episcopal paper on Stewardship: “The reason the Lord bids you and me to make an offering of our money is for one reason alone – so that we can fall in love with the Lord (and his children). It has to do with where our treasure is, and where we want our hearts to be.”
For those who wish to respond to God’s work in your life during a worship service, please feel free to make your contribution by either cash or check. If you choose to make your contribution in cash, please place it in an envelope with your name on it so we can appropriately record your contribution for year-end statements.
We have partnered with Vanco to provide you with the opportunity to financially support our ministry by giving online. To begin, just click on the button below...
You can also make a year-long financial commitment for the ministry of Road to Emmaus in 2019 using a Commitment Card. Commitment Cards are helpful for two important reasons. First, it provides each of us with a prayerful moment to consider and plan our financial commitment to the church over the next year. Healthy giving best happens this way; it is prayerfully planned. And second, the Financial Commitment Cards also give the church’s leadership a tool for healthy financial planning.