A Heart for the Harrisburg Area.
Road to Emmaus exists
to honor God by making new and growing disciples of Jesus Christ.
We present the good news of God’s Word,
offering its clarity to the world’s confusion.
We encourage and teach each other in Christian faith.
We serve the world around us with our hands and our resources.
We embrace all who are willing to explore and receive what God offers.
We seek fellowship with the family of God.
We live our lives committed to love and serve Jesus Christ.
We are directed by the authority of the Bible.
We trust in the power of prayer.
We commit ourselves to Christ’s church, participating to its strength and courage.
We give ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ and serve the world in his name.
We travel a lot of different roads. You may find yourself stuck at home or commuting a hundred miles a day. Regardless of the distance you regularly travel, there is a road that we all find ourselves on. It is a distinctly spiritual journey. It is the Road to Emmaus.
In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, two friends were walking from Jerusalem to the town of Emmaus. While on the road to Emmaus, they had a very important encounter. A man they did not recognize walked along with them, discussing the events that weighed heavily on their hearts. All day they walked together and talked together. At the end of that seven mile walk, they sat together for a meal. After prayer and the breaking of bread, these two friends realized this stranger was Jesus. “They said to each other, ‘were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking with us on the road, while he was opening the Scriptures to us?’”
That journey on the road to Emmaus changed their lives. May it change ours as well.