Sunday mornings at 9:00am Journey are an opportunity for both study and building relationships with one another.
There are opportunities for kids and adults.
Adults: Book/video study -The Names of Jesus by Tony Evans
Children - Road to Emmaus children, are exploring The Biggest Story. which is the story of God’s love as it is known through the events in the Bible.
In person Monday mornings at 9:00am.
Via Zoom Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm.
Topic: Gospel of Mark
The most important question you will ever answer is this: Who do you believe Jesus Christ is? With all the opinions floating around - He's a good man, a teacher, a prophet, the Son of God - how can you know who is right? Mark's account of Jesus' life gives you the answer, and it is more action-packed and fast-paced than the other three Gospel records.
Rather than rehearsing what people said about Jesus, Mark shows you what Jesus actually did. As you learn to carefully observe Mark's report, you'll discover that Jesus left no doubt about who He claimed to be. His miracles demonstrated His authority over sickness and infirmity, spiritual darkness, dead religion, threats from nature, and even death itself.
Tuesdays at 3:30. Exploring the books of Jonah following the "Global Coffee Break" curriculum. Join us for a time of fellowship and deepening faith. Bring a friend!
Saturday mornings at 8:30. You can join us in person at the church building or via Zoom. It is a time to pray for each other, our communities, our church and the world. We hope you can join us. If you are already doing something at that time, please pray where you are.
Wednesday evenings @ 7:00PM Don’t Follow Your Heart (Boldly Breaking the Ten Commandments of Self-Worship) by Thaddeus Williams
Today we are told to be true to ourselves, look within for answers, and follow our hearts. But when we put our own happiness first, we experience record-breaking levels of aimlessness, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Self-centeredness always fails to deliver on its promises.
In Don’t Follow Your Heart, Thaddeus Williams debunks the “ten commandments of self-worship,” calling on a new generation of mavericks and renegades, heretics who refuse to march in unison with the self-obsessed herd. With a fascinating blend of theology, philosophy, science, psychology, and pop culture, Williams points us to a life beyond the self-defeating dogmas of self-worship to a more meaningful life centered on Someone infinitely more interesting, satisfying, and awesome than ourselves.
It's a tough world out there. Maybe you've said to yourself, "Could it get any worse?" and then 2022 delivers something new! What do we do with that?
HOPE is the only thing that can get us through such times, but where does hope come from?
The NEXT STEP CAFE is a time to enjoy a dinner and talk about these kinds of things. It is currently on hiatus. Contact Pastor Wayne for more information.