Elders are given authority and responsibility, along with pastors, to oversee the spiritual health of the congregation as well as the congregation’s faithfulness to God’s mission. Those Elders currently called to leadership make up the Session.
Deacons lead ministries that mature fellowship and caregiving within and beyond the congregation. Each of our Deacons has a group of members to befriend and pray for.
Pastor Wayne is a product of the great state of New Jersey. Born in North Plainfield and raised in the Princeton area, he graduated from Rutgers University with a BS in biology and earned an M.Div. From Palmer Seminary (formerly Eastern) in Philadelphia. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1995, he has served churches as a youth pastor in northern DE, the Chicago area, and Toms River, NJ and as a senior pastor in central PA. In 2015, Pastor Wayne became a minister member of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians and (together with a great church family!) is the planting pastor of Road to Emmaus Presbyterian Church. Wayne's email is: waynel@roadtoemmaus.church
Becky Lowe is our musician. She was born in Wilmington, DE and raised in Hopewell, NJ. She graduated from the University of Delaware with a BS in chemistry and has worked as a chemist in various settings including the petroleum and agricultural industries as well as data validation and education. She and Pastor Wayne have been married since 1990 and she is the mother to four wonderful sons and grandmother to Jayden. She loves to read and offer hospitality and has a teacher’s heart. Becky has played the piano and flute since she was a child. While musical leadership is a new endeavor, she feels called to take on this challenge with the same passion for learning that she shares with her students. Rebecca's email is: bexlowe68@gmail.com
Laurie Sullivan has faithfully served as the Road to Emmaus treasurer since 2015. Originally from the Erie area, Laurie has been a long-time Harrisburg area resident and loves our community. She is married to Barry, the mother of three adult children and grandmother to a grandson. Laurie's email address is: treasurerr2e@gmail.com